Online Quilting Classes

Anytime. Anywhere. Always.

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If you have purchased any classes or patterns from—formerly—a letter posted to their website on Sunday, May 24, 2020 is apparently our notice that will cease to exist in the coming months. (Check for updates below this section highlighted in yellow.)

Bluprint is still taking subscriptions even after announcing they'll be closing in the next couple of months.Bluprint is still taking subscriptions even after announcing they'll be closing in the next couple of months.

Click here to read in full John Levisay's 'Letter to Our Bluprint Customers' published on May 24, 2020.

In my humble opinion, his letter is like getting spit in the face.

While the company is able to send us all kinds of marketing information on a regular basis, they somehow aren't able to send his letter to our usual email address.

There is no excuse for this.

Apparently, instructors were notified last week of this news.

And finally, today when I used the app on my iPhone to check for options on how to download my classes, this is the screen that I was met with...

...correct me if I'm wrong, but doesn't that look like they're still taking subscriptions at the red arrow (right)?

I'm gobsmacked at the audacity!

UPDATE: I just received this email from Bluprint about access to 'forever classes' continuing. Please read it here: 

Letter from Bluprint CEO dated 7/1/20

My Recommendations

If you have patterns stored on their platform, download them now.

My 'forever' class library

There is no guarantee stated in his communication about how long our products will be or purchased.

If you have classes, at this writing (5/26/20) I do not know how to efficiently download my purchased classes. The only option I see right now is playing the whole online quilting class and recording my screen on my desktop.

Class page on my iPhone on 5-26-20.That download symbol appears in each section, but not for the complete class.

With 51 classes in my personal library, this seems like a wicked waste of time. Many quilters, perhaps yourself included, own significantly more quilting classes than I do.

There appears to be a download option for your classes from the app for your smart phone.

Unfortunately, I do not see a way to download a complete class, i.e. all the video sections, in one fell swoop to your phone (storage on your phone could quickly become a problem.)

The download symbol appears in each individual section of the class.

As I find solutions to this download and storage conundrum, I will post that information here. I'll post this same information in my newsletter, STASH Talk, on my Facebook page, too, to make it as accessible as possible.

If you find out any information on downloading, please share it in the Facebook comments section below. It is appreciated!

Final thoughts

Until now, I'd really enjoyed the Craftsy platform...not quite as much once the business was sold to NBC/Universal and became Bluprint. It felt like they were going kind of light on the education.

But there were interesting classes to try, just not as many. Their fabrics were good quality and nicely priced. Good prices on tools, too.

And having classes stored someplace other than my computer was a godsend. Can you imagine how much storage 51 video classes would take up?

But with the way they've handled this situation, frankly, they deserve to close.

They really sucked the green weeny on this one.

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