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Wave Upon Wave & Ripple Effects

by Suzette
(Presque Isle, Michigan)

Lakeside Beauties

Lakeside Beauties

Twin quilts for twin beds in a guest room in our lakeside home. These beach themed quilts were two years in the making and I completed them in September 2020. Both were pieced using a 36 year old Singer 2210 and Ripple Effects was quilted on that machine.

Wave Upon Wave was long arm quilted by Barb Freudenmuth of Presque Isle, Michigan. Cotton quilt fabric was used. This was my first attempt at a pieced bed size quilt. I learned SO much along the way.

My Singer 2210 is now “retired” and I have a new Singer Legacy C440Q I am anxious to get quilting on.

FMQ is my next challenge!

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